Top 10 Anti Aging Foods

There are so many things we can do to help slow down the affects of aging. Reduce stress, exercise, drink lots of water, take supplements and use good skin care are usually at the top of the list. But did you know that what you eat can greatly impact the affects of aging?

Avoiding sugar, processed foods & trans fats and increasing fruits & vegetables can positively impact our health and are a great place to start. But there are certain foods that can actually help you look and feel younger. So get your grocery list ready!

  1. Oats

Oats can help keep skin clear and smooth. They’re low-glycemic, meaning they don’t spike your blood sugar. This is great for your skin because high-glycemic foods are known to cause acne and wrinkles. In addition, oats have a natural plant chemical that helps prevent damage to skin cells and soothes skin irritation.

2. Oranges

Oranges are loaded with water, so they hydrate your skin and your cells. One large orange is an excellent source of Vitamin C, which helps make collagen — and that, in turn, helps keep your skin supple.

In general, vegetables and fruits are great for your skin, especially tomatoes and bell peppers. Go for lots of colors so you get a variety of nutrients.

3. Avocados

These are filled with a healthy type of fat, monounsaturated fat, which helps your skin stay hydrated. That same healthy fat can also help you absorb some vitamins and nutrients that your skin needs.

Try replacing high-fat salad dressings and mayo with avocado. It gives you a lot of flavor and texture, and you don’t need much to feel satisfied.

4. Brazil Nuts

Swap out almonds and cashews and snack on these South American nuts to get a good dose of selenium in your diet. Eating a few each day puts the trace mineral to work building antioxidants and repairing skin cells to slow down the appearance of skin aging. Walnuts and macadamia nut oil are great, too!

5. Lean Beef

Lean beef, especially grass-fed, is a great way to get high-quality protein. Protein helps build collagen.

You just need a 2- to 4-ounce serving just two to three times a weeks. You can enjoy different kinds of lean protein on other days, such as eggs, chicken, fish, beans and tofu.

BUT…when you cook beef, cook over medium heat and flip it often. Cooking it over super-high heat until it’s crispy and charred creates chemicals that will undo all of the anti-aging properties of the beef.

6. Brussels Sprouts

These are a great source of the skin-friendly vitamins A and C, as well as folate.

Their vitamin C promotes collagen. And while you still need to use sun protection, vitamin A and folate may help prevent sun damage.

If you remember Brussels sprouts with dread because you had them boiled when you were a child, take heart: You can roast them with a drizzle of olive oil and find them much tastier.

7. Salmon

This fish is one of the best ways to get healthy omega-3 fats in your diet. Some studies have suggested that omega-3s, especially from fish, may keep skin cancer cells from growing and spreading.

Aim for at least two 3-ounce servings of fish each week. Enjoy it grilled with a whole-grain side dish like brown rice or barley salad. Try this Herb Rubbed Salmon with Roasted Asparagus recipe…it’s delicious!

8. Grapes

Resveratrol, which comes from the skin of grapes, counters inflammation. Many studies show it slows the aging process, plus it may fight the effects of UV light and sun damage. But you still need to use your sunscreen.

9. Berries

Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are like little bundles of antioxidants. Those sweet, summery fruits fight off free radicals and battle destructive UV rays, which can be harmful to skin cells. They retain their helpful nutrients even when frozen and are perfect to add to smoothies like this Collagen Boosting Berry Smoothie.

10. Sweet Potato

Get a boost of beta-carotene from these orange spuds—your body does the work of converting it to Vitamin A, which protects skin and increases cell turnover. You can even put slices of sweet potato over your eyes (in lieu of cucumber) to reduce puffiness!

One thing I add to my daily regimen is BeWell Superfood Greens. One scoop of this versatile, vegan superfood powder delivers a blend of 36 fruits and vegetables in each serving for a boost of greens. Featuring prebiotic fiber and phytonutrients along with a natural, deep-green color courtesy of Blue-Green Algae derived from Spirulina, Chlorella, Wheatgrass and Barley Grass, this vegan nutrition supplement provides the benefits of eating the full color spectrum of fruits and vegetables. This superfood powder can be added to water, juice or a smoothie, making it easy to get the greens your body needs.

Peppermint Mocha Protein Drink

This Hot Peppermint Mocha protein drink provides all of the nutritional benefits of a protein smoothie but tastes like a decadent hot peppermint mocha. The perfect breakfast for cold winter mornings or snack for an afternoon reading by the fire. Top with a little whipped cream & enjoy!


Protein Drink

  • 10 oz almond milk
  • 1 scoop Arbonne Coffee Protein
  • 1 scoop Arbonne Peppermint Mocha Protein
  • 1 tsp vanilla

Dairy Free Whipped Cream

  • 1 can 13-14 oz of full fat coconut milk (found in the baking goods area of grocery store)
  • 2-3 Tbsp confectioners sugar
  • cinnamon, vanilla or any flavor you would like Optional


Protein Drink

  • Heat almond milk to your preference.
  • Add vanilla and protein powder. Blend with frother for creay results.

Dairy Free Whipped Cream

  • Place can of full fat coconut milk in the the fridge upside down, let it chill overnight.
  • Open the can. Carefully spoon out the top layer of opaque white stuff that has gathered at the top of the can. Spoon into a mixing bowl.
  • Add 2-3 Tbsp of powdered confectioners sugar to the coconut cream. Optional: add cinnamon, vanilla bean – any small amount of flavor you’d like.
  • Grab a hand beater and medium bowl. Whip the coconut milk. Start on low and move to a higher speed, move the beater in an up and down motion to infuse as much air as possible.
  • Top warmed drink with whipped cream and any other toppings. Serve and enjoy!


  1. If for any reason your whip seems too stiff or dry, you can add a few teaspoons of the leftover coconut liquid or non-dairy milk. If your whip seems too soft or watery, you can add another tablespoon of sugar OR stick your mixture back in the fridge – it may need to firm up again.
  2. Coconut cream is best eaten right after it is whipped as it will lose some fluffiness if you stick it in the fridge to chill. But it actually holds up better than I expected!


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