At this point in December most of us are getting ready to start wrapping gifts. With just a a little creativity and a few inexpensive items, you can elevate the presentation of your gift to enhance the whole experience for the receiver. Here are 5 easy, beautiful gift wrapping ideas you can use this year…
1. Use tulle purchased from your local fabric store as your bow. It adds fun, texture and it’s inexpensive.

2. For a one of a kind package add a vintage ornament along with your bow. These can be thrifted all year long and again are very inexpensive.

3. Pine cones, fresh cedar or a sprig of pine are great package toppers paired with a neutral or buffalo print ribbon for the guys in your life.

4. Christmas Mesh creates a very unique package topper. It’s so easy to work with, that you’ll look like a pro. No two packages will be alike.

5. The kiddos in your life will love a new kid friendly ornament for their tree. They are so plentiful and cost next to nothing when you shop at dollar stores.

These are just a few of the things I do each year to make gift giving extra special. If you use one of these ideas, I would love to see how it turns out!

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